, Coworking

Visit to Victoria Brewery

Fábrica Victoria Malaga

Last Saturday BeWorking organized a visit to Victoria brewery, the most emblematic of Malaga. The factory has nothing to do with the concept of traditional industry, it has a modern and avant-garde design, with a huge glass facade. The space is formed by the brewery, where beer is brewed, the bottling area, with two trains (one for bottles and one for barrels) and a space dedicated to distribution.

During the visit we were able to see firsthand how this Malaga beer is made and what is the secret to serving beer better, while retaining all its flavor. There is also a small  museum, in which we learned about the origins and history of the brand. In addition, I could not miss the tasting of Victoria beers of different types.

As his motto says, our experience in this tour is summarized in ‘Malagueña y Exquisita’.

Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga Fábrica Victoria Malaga


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