This time we interview Jorge, a BeWorkers who has been in our office, and who is FullStack Web Developer, a programmer with a very complete technical profile. Get to know us…
Esta vez entrevistamos a Julio Espinosa, un beworker apasionado del teatro que está impartiendo clases en nuestras aulas de BeWorking: ¿Quién eres y a qué te dedicas? Me llamo Julio Espinosa y soy profesor…
Esta vez entrevistamos a Pablo Míser que está impartiendo clases de oposiciones tanto de inspección como a técnico de hacienda en nuestras aulas de BeWorking: ¿Quién eres y a qué te dedicas? Buenos días, soy…
Esta vez entrevistamos a Miguel Ángel Medina que está impartiendo clases de oposiciones de policía en nuestras aulas de BeWorking: ¿Quién eres y a qué te dedicas? Me llamo Miguel…
This time we interviewed Alberto who is in our office Coworking: Who are you and what do you do?: I am Alberto Jimar and I am dedicated to creating digital content (scripts,…
This time we interview Marcos one of the most veteran of our Coworking office: ¿Quién eres y a qué te dedicas? I am Marcos Lopez, I am a Canine Caregiver at LA HUELLA…
This time we interview Miguel and Adriana who have been in our Coworking office: Who are you and what do you do? We are Miguel and Adriana, two Argentines who work freelance…
This time we interview Antonio who has been in our Coworking office: Who are you and what do you do? My name is Antonio. I am a Tutor / Trainer specialized in…
This time we interview Linda who has been in our Coworking office: Who are you and what do you do? My name is Linda. I am a Marketing Freelancer. Right now…
This time we interviewed Lina who has been in our Coworking office: Who are you and what do you do? I am Lina, a girl born in Sweden. I am a…